Bitfinex Securities is proud to announce a new way for investors to qualify for access to accredited-only investments. Previously, accredited-only investments were limited to either corporate investors or individual investors able to make a minimum investment of 100,000 USD in a specific asset.
Professional Investor Eligibility
Going forward, Bitfinex Securities has regulatory approval to expand our definition of Accredited Investors to include individuals who qualify as professional investors. This means that anyone who has 100,000 USD in total investable assets (across fiat and crypto balances), as well as investment and work experience, can now qualify as an accredited investor.
Requirements include:
Total investable assets >= 100,000 USD (across fiat and crypto balances)>= 2 years trading and managing risk in securities or similar products (including crypto)>= 2 years experience working at an authorised financial institution or having been previously deemed a professional investor by a regulated financial institution
Professional Investor Benefits
Accredited Investors with professional investor status are now able to execute secondary market trades and hold any accredited offering in positions as low as the minimal tradeable unit. They will also be able to participate in primary issuances with essentially no minimum ticket restriction*. In summary, this status means they can:
Access a wider range of productsTrade in smaller sizeInvest in smaller sizeTrade and Invest in smaller size across accredited assets
* Subject to issuer restrictions
Summary of Accredited Investor Restrictions
Supporting Material
Before you apply, be sure to prepare the following material to support your eligibility:
Investible Net Assets
– Screenshots of exchange balances and proof of account ownership
– or Bank statements
– or Brokerage account balances
Trading and Risk Management Experience
– Dated professional qualifications and/or certificates
– or dated exchange/brokerage account ledgers
Work Experience
– LinkedIn profile link
– or Business cards
Previous certification of professional investor status
– Copy of documentation provided by a regulated financial services provider (bank, brokerage, etc)
Click here to apply to be assessed as a Professional Investor.
For further information on how to invest in accredited offerings, please refer to this Knowledge Base article.
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